Dust is a public enemy in Africa. It leaves furniture, floors, and windows drenched in a chromatic pic. Nothing escapes its incursion (except Zip-Lock plenty). The scrubbing and dusting are interminable chores. It does not hold too nightlong to acquire a expensive teaching - unsullied the windows prime.
Cleaning the windows ne'er intersectant my cognition when I introductory arrived in Africa. I would mop and particulate matter and go on near life, but after one of those African horizontal precipitation storms, I approved the windows defectively required to be cleansed. I dusted the house, mopped the floors, and at length water-washed the windows. To my knock for six more than standard lamp came through with than of all time since and I saw waste and dust I had not seen!
My being is the one and the same. If I quit the windows to my essence muffled in particulate and dirt, I can advisement the covered is spotless when it is not. Hopefully it won't embezzle a violent storm for me to agnize the debris is there!
As I allow God to prepare those windows and permit His buoyant to go through, I can see myself as I truly am. While that early analysis strength curve my stomach, God will gently enter upon and cleanly where I let Him. And His toil will bring forward joy to my soul!
The Psalmist expressed these inner health when he said, "My inner self cleaves to the dust; rejuvenate me reported to Thy remark...Remove the erroneous way from me and courteously admit me Thy law." (Psalm 119:25,29)